An Overview Perspective on Nigeria’s Growing Fintech Industry


“234 Intel’s 2023 Fintech report is a one-of-a-kind resource that offers the most comprehensive, accurate, and reliable intelligence on trends, activities, and issues shaping Nigeria’s Fintech landscape. It serves as essential reading material for individuals and companies looking to stay updated with emerging trends and market opportunities for both new entrants and established players within Nigeria’s Fintech industry.”

  • Olaoluwa Oguntoye, Lead Editor.

The report was developed as at April 2023 and is designed to help readers:

  1. Understand Nigeria’s Fintech Market, its Size and Growth Trajectory: The report evaluates the total size of the Fintech market in Nigeria and provides insights into the market’s growth rate over time.
  2. Analyze Themes and Trends: The report highlights key facts, activity trends and emerging themes over the past few years thus helping readers gain a deeper understanding of the evolving Industry
  3. Examine Market Segments: The report examines micro segments within the Fintech Industry such as Mobile Money, Digital Payments, and Online L It offers an in-depth analysis of each segment, uncovering growth opportunities and potential challenges within these areas.
  4. Understand Consumer Behavior: Leveraging insights from carefully designed focus group sessions and structured interviews, the report further examines the behavioral patterns of service consumers such as usage frequency, preferred brands, preference drivers etc.
  5. Map Out Competitive Landscape: The report further highlights the leading players in Nigeria’s Fintech market, providing valuable insights into their market share and business models.
  6. Discover Potential Opportunities: By breaking down current challenges facing different segments of the Fintech Industry, the report presents potential opportunities for conscious readers ready to take advantage of them.
  7. Monitor Macro-Environmental Factors: The report attempts to situate the unfolding of the Nigerian Fintech Industry within the broader context of Nigeria’s economic realities driven by regulatory policies, economic indicators, foreign relations and other key factors.

234 Intel’s Fintech report for 2023 provides invaluable insights into the billion-dollar industry, its key players, emerging trends, challenges, and potential opportunities thus offering our readers the ability to navigate this rapidly-evolving sector with accurate facts and intelligence.
