Navigating Through the Shadows: The Food Crisis in Nigeria


In Nigeria, a nation rich in culture and resources, an imminent crisis rages on — severe food crisis and scarcity. The food crisis, a looming shadow over millions, threatens not only the health and well-being of its population but also the stability and future growth of the country. This article uncovers the heart of the matter, exploring the causes, impacts, and ongoing efforts to alleviate this crisis.

Background and Current Situation

Nigeria has grappled with the challenge of feeding its rapidly growing population for decades. This crisis has escalated today, with certain regions teetering on the brink of famine. The severity of the situation is marked by alarming malnutrition rates, food scarcity, and an increase in food prices that far outpaces average income growth. According to an article by the UN in 2023, “The northwest region, around Katsina, Zamfara and Sokoto states, is an increasing food insecurity and malnutrition hotspot. An estimated 2.9 million people are critically food insecure (Cadre Harmonisé Phase 3 or worse.) If urgent action is not taken, this figure is projected to increase to 4.3 million in the lean season.” It also highlighted that “Children are the most vulnerable to food insecurity. Approximately 6 of the 17 million food-insecure Nigerians today are children under five living in Borno, Adamawa, Yobe, Sokoto, Katsina and Zamfara states.“

According to a recent study by 234Intel which can be accessed here, food prices have increased by 64.57% compared to the base year of December 2022. This increase has been attributed to various factors, including the unstable devaluation of the naira and the yuletide season.

The Nigeria Bureau of Statistics also reports that the cost of food has risen by a staggering 35.41% in January 2024, which is 11% higher than the rate of 24% from the previous year. The rise in food prices has become a significant challenge for Nigerians, with almost 60% of personal income being estimated to be spent on food. This has forced households, especially vulnerable ones, to adjust their consumption patterns and pushed them further into poverty and hunger. Additionally, the rising food prices indirectly affect the nation’s inflation, further affecting overall economic stability.

Causes of the Food Crisis

The roots of Nigeria’s food crisis are deep and complex. The increase in prices can be attributed to several factors, including the removal of fuel subsidies by the current administration on May 29th, 2023. This created a complex situation that directly affects the increasing costs of food, transportation, and energy.

The devaluation of the nation’s currency (Naira), affects the prices of food commodities and contributes to overall economic inflation of the nation. The depreciation of the local currency significantly affects food inflation, as the nation’s dependency on imported inputs exposes the agricultural sector to exchange rate fluctuations. The depreciation increases the cost of imported inputs, which is often passed on to consumers through higher food prices.

Another driver of the recent upward spiral of food prices is traders’ speculation and hoarding of food commodities in anticipation of future price, this increases also exacerbate price volatility and lead to artificial shortages, contributing to higher food prices.

Climate change also stands at the forefront, with erratic rainfall patterns, flooding, and droughts devastating crop yields. Economic instability, characterized by inflation and soaring unemployment rates, further exacerbates the situation, making food unaffordable for many.

Moreover, persistent conflict, particularly in the northeastern regions, has displaced millions, disrupting agricultural activities and creating pockets of severe food insecurity. A bar chart illustrating these causes would show the significant impact of each factor, providing a clear picture of the multifaceted challenges at play.

Impacts of the Food Crisis

Malnutrition and Health

The surge in malnutrition rates, especially among children, is one of the most immediate and heart-wrenching impacts of the food crisis. In Nigeria, millions of children suffer from acute malnutrition, which not only stunts growth but also severely impairs cognitive development, diminishing their potential for learning and contributing to society. Malnutrition compromises the immune system, increasing susceptibility to diseases and elevating child mortality rates. The long-term health consequences extend into adulthood, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and ill health that can affect generations.

Economic Strain

The economic repercussions of the food crisis are far-reaching. As agricultural production falters and imports become more costly, food prices skyrocket, making basic staples unaffordable for the average Nigerian family. This inflationary pressure exacerbates poverty, pushing households into a precarious position where they must choose between food and other essential needs like healthcare and education. Smallholder farmers, who form the backbone of the Nigerian agricultural sector, face ruinous losses, reducing their capacity to invest in future crops and further destabilising food supply chains.

Social Disruption

Education and gender disparities are significantly magnified by the food crisis. With families struggling to survive, education becomes a secondary concern, leading to increased dropout rates. The burden often falls disproportionately on girls, who are more likely to be withdrawn from school to help with household chores or married off early to reduce the family’s financial burden. This loss of educational opportunity undermines personal and economic development, perpetuating a cycle of gender inequality and limiting women’s participation in the workforce.

Security and Mobility

The food crisis also contributes to security issues, as competition for scarce resources can lead to conflict. Displacement becomes a grim reality for many, as families flee their homes in search of food and safety, often settling in overcrowded camps with inadequate food supplies. This displacement not only deepens the humanitarian crisis but also disrupts the social fabric of communities, leaving long-lasting scars on the country’s social cohesion.

Environmental Degradation

Lastly, the struggle to secure food can lead to environmentally unsustainable practices, such as over farming and deforestation, further degrading the land and reducing its future agricultural productivity. This creates a vicious cycle where environmental degradation exacerbates food insecurity, which in turn leads to more desperate measures to survive.

Conclusion and Call to Action

The food crisis in Nigeria is a pressing issue that demands immediate and concerted action. It is a call to the international community, local stakeholders, and individuals alike to come together in solidarity to address the root causes and work towards sustainable solutions. The future of millions hangs in the balance, and the time to act is now.


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